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Marcazo - Pineapple Vacay Mode – Teacher on break – 2nd Grade Teacher Shirt

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Some people impress me with their bravery. I’d hate to be a healthcare worker ever, especially right now. She is certainly a warrior for sure. When this started hitting my hospital back in early March a patient actually said that to me! It made my day. My wife and I tell this to anyone who’s in an essential position that we encounter. From what I’ve seen everyone is calmly hyped. I’d give you one if money wasn’t tight because of this COVID mess, but that made me laugh. This is just virtue signaling. We all say we care about grocery stores and health care workers, but no one is going to actually campaign that they get treated better. I think this is the Pineapple Vacay Mode – Teacher on break – 2nd Grade Teacher Shirt besides I will buy this only time I’ve ever said virtue signaling and not been sarcastic.

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Home:  Marcazo

Marcazo - Pineapple Vacay Mode – Teacher on break – 2nd Grade Teacher Shirt Reviewed by baby yoda mask on tháng 6 04, 2021 Rating: 5
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