Vintage You're a Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier Shirt, hoodie and sweater
By this shirt here: Vintage You're a Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier Shirt, hoodie and sweater

Doubling down on solar feels particularly urgent in light of the state’s ongoing wildfires, which have burned through more than 2 million acres. The fires were caused by a combination of factors—downed power lines, ongoing fire suppression, and human activity (i.e., that gender-reveal party)—but climate change plays a significant role, and solar power is one of the key solutions. It’s all connected: We burn fossil fuels like coal and oil, which release CO2 emissions (manufacturing, air travel, shipping, and livestock contribute the highest emissions), which are then trapped in the Vintage You're a Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier Shirt, hoodie and sweater . Trapped CO2 warms the planet and leads to the record-breaking temperatures we’ve seen in California and other parts of the world. Those higher temperatures dry out the shrubs, grasses, and dead leaves in the forests, which are more prone to catch fire; a single spark can ignite a full-blown disaster.

The importance of clean energy can’t be overstated, but it isn’t like flipping a switch. A big part of Chanel’s initiative is making solar power available and affordable to everyone. While monthly energy bills are lower with solar, the Vintage You're a Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier Shirt, hoodie and sweater cost of installing the solar system is significant; depending on the size of your home, it can be in the thousands. “Chanel strives for [excellence] in everything we create, the impact we have on our society, and our world at large,” Chanel’s president and chief operating officer, John Galantic, wrote in a release. “This innovative partnership reflects the deep commitment of our house to reduce our impact on the environment, while also creating a positive social impact through an inclusive approach that will provide families with access to clean affordable power and the creation of jobs.”