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Despite the GOP’s best efforts to unseat as many of the four as possible by funneling money into opposing campaigns, all four secured decisive victories last night in their respective districts. Omar took to Twitter last night to congratulate her peers, adding: “Our sisterhood is resilient.” The shared values of the  Her Name Is Dr Jill Biden shirt  have seen them campaign heavily around progressive policies—including radical action on climate change, “Medicare for all,” and an emphasis on social justice—with their victories only affirming the priorities of the next generation of Democratic voters.

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The cruel intersection of a global pandemic and an agitating, still-contested election has not been kind to migraine sufferers. With our stress levels climbing higher than ever, cases of these severe headaches have risen accordingly, says Emad Estemalik, M.D., who leads the Cleveland Clinic’s headache division. “Heightened stress, triggered by the  Her Name Is Dr Jill Biden shirt  of time we spend navigating through news and social media, translates to more screen time and eyestrain that can certainly increase headache frequency,” Estemalik confirms. If someone gets three to five headache days per month, he says, pandemic-related stress can bump that to 10 to 15 days.

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Highcitee - Her Name Is Dr Jill Biden shirt Reviewed by baby yoda mask on tháng 12 27, 2020 Rating: 5
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