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Until recently, many drugs used by doctors for migraines were developed for other conditions, such as epilepsy. But in the past few years, the FDA has approved several new classes of targeted, effective drugs developed specifically for migraines. Even better, they have markedly fewer side effects than commonly used tryptamine-based drugs, also known as triptans, which have been prescribed since the Damn Right I Am A Ohio State Buckeyes Fan Now And Forever Signatures shirt ’90s to relieve headaches but often come with major side effects such as nausea, insomnia, or hair loss. CGRP inhibitors, medications that block calcitonin gene-related peptide—a protein released by the brain during migraine attacks (and “a very ugly, cumbersome name,” says Gottschalk)—are among the most promising. Three of these prescription-only drugs—Aimovig, Ajovy, and Emgality—are taken monthly with an EpiPen–like shot; a fourth, Vyepti, is administered via I.V. by a doctor every three months. “These drugs produce great results, in much less time, with almost no side effects,” Gottschalk confirms. Nurtec and Ubrelvy, which are gepants—another new class of FDA-approved medication that also targets CGRP molecules—are formulated to turn off migraines in progress rather than prevent them. “They don’t have quite as much bang for the buck as, say, an injection of [the commonly used triptan] sumatriptan,” says Gottschalk. “But they’re well tolerated and can do a great job.”
If you haven’t spotted a Dyson while on a Zoom call, you’ve likely seen an outcrop of house plants, another popular quarantine acquisition that, besides beautifying your space, may also purify the air in it according to some studies (like an oft-referenced NASA one from 1989 and, more recently, one conducted by the Damn Right I Am A Ohio State Buckeyes Fan Now And Forever Signatures shirt of Reading). According to Erin Marino of The Sill, plants purify in two ways: physically and chemically. “Physically they purify the air by having a static charge and acting as a dust cling,” says Marino, adding that because your plants are actively removing physical dust particles from the air, they should be gently dusted. “On a chemical level, plants have been found to remove volatile organic compounds like benzene, formaldehyde, and toluene from indoor air.” Some of Marino’s favorite natural purifiers to recommend? A snake plant (“a no-fuss tropical plant whose adaptations for surviving drought make it a suitable succulent choice for anyone, anywhere”); a Pothos (“easygoing and hardy, it’s our go-to for budding plant parents with less than ideal indoor conditions”); a ZZ (“it’s not only low-light tolerant, but also drought-tolerant and low maintenance”); a Bird’s Nest Fern (“an added bonus is that it’s considered non-toxic, making it safe to keep around your cat or dog”); and a Philodendron (“our most popular houseplant because it’s one of the easiest to grow”). It’s important to remember that for plants to significantly improve indoor air quality, you’ll need many of them and bigger varieties. “You’ll want to create a literal indoor jungle,” Marino says. But their other benefits can be just as vital. “Studies have shown that indoor plants can boost your mood and reduce stress and fatigue and increase your productivity and creativity,” says Marino. Not to mention that they play well—better, in fact—with a good humidifier. So, as the temperature drops and we continue to spend more time than ever at home, perhaps consider investing in both. While you may not be able to pack enough Pothos into your apartment to clear the air, at least staring at them will clear your head (while a higher-tech solution handles filtration).